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Italy for intermodal transport

Italy for intermodal transport


Extended cartography with QrCode

Interactive pvc map of Italy specific for Intermodal Transport. Highlighted in the cartography the motorway network and the main communication routes, the inter-modal lines with the various profiles (from PC / 22 to PC / 80), the Interports, the Intermodal Terminals, the main seaports and the European Corridors. By accessing the interactive function through a QRcode, you can find in-depth information on all Interports, Intermodal Terminals, Seaports, European Corridors and PC / 80 intermodal lines. All information within the interactive function is constantly updated and implemented


  • Printing:
    Color digital
  • Depiction:
  • Size:
    cm 91x114
  • Packaging:
    Application of 4 double-sided adhesive points and single package

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